Browsing by Subject "Bruno Latour"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Bruno Latour and the myth of autonomous academic discipline : rethinking education in the light of various modes of existence
(AOSIS, 2019)Background: Issues of identity, interdependence, relationality and violence are far larger than the human species alone, although humanity has often pretended as if it alone were the beneficiaries of studying such ... -
A Latourian inquiry into value in equity markets
(North-West University (South Africa), 2020)Arguably, shareholders, asset managers, economists and businesses are more concerned than ever about the erratic value of their investments in 2020’s turbulent equity markets. While these concerns had materialised in the ... -
Reassmebling and remembering: the politics of reconciliation in South Africa
(University of the Free State, 2017)This article proposes that the work of the French sociologist of science, Bruno Latour, that conceptualises the political process in a highly pluralist society, can provide a useful starting point for a discussion on the ... -
Relasionele ontologie en posthumanistiese subjektiwiteit in Pieter Odendaal se poësiedebuut
(African Journals online, 2022)In Pieter Odendaal’s debut, asof geen berge ooit hier gewoon het nie (as if no mountains ever lived here), the poet expands the complex question “re mang?” (who are we?) into an important theme and utilises it as a structural ...