Browsing by Subject "Decolonisation"
Now showing items 1-10 of 22
Academics and the decolonial moment : in pursuit of fostering curriculum transformation
(North-West University (South Africa)., 2022)The South African higher education landscape was and is still facing numerous challenges. Even after the new democratic government implemented major policy reforms to address these challenges, epistemologies and knowledge ... -
Considering complexities in unique African planning approaches: abstracting the role of African urban residents
(WIT Press, 2017)Africa is currently the fastest urbanising region in the world and has subsequently become the centre of continuously growing attention from planning practitioners and academics. Many of these scholars argue for a unique ... -
Creating a historical sport narrative of Zonnebloem College for classroom practice
(The South African Society for History Teaching (SASHT) under the auspices of the School of Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2020)This article attempts to create a sport narrative of the Zonnebloem College prior to 1950. The introduction provides a motivation for proceeding with a decolonising format and lays out what the elements of such a format ... -
Cutting the apron strings: the South African experience of decolonisation
(2013)Decolonisation is a recurring constitutional and political theme in the process of change and reform in South Africa’s history during the 20th century. The constitutional emancipation of the erstwhile Union of South ... -
Decolonial History teachers’ charter : a praxis guide
(The South African Society forHistory Teaching (SASHT) under the patronage of the North-West University, 2020)The below text is a practical charter which calls for history teachers, students, learners and then the provincial and national Departments of Basic and Higher Education to decolonise. Decolonisation is often talked about ... -
Decolonising academic texts in South African higher education : publishing and editing strategies
(North-West University (South Africa), 2023)The continued prioritisation of Western knowledge and perspectives in South African higher education gave rise for the decolonisation of education in 2015/2016, which sought to challenge the hegemony of Western knowledge ... -
Decolonising an introductory course in practical theology and missiology : some tentative reflections on shifting identities
(AOSIS, 2021)Background: The shifting identity of a first-year class over a decade in terms of demography and representation, inevitably led me to reflect deeply on what I teach them and how I facilitate the learning process. I had ... -
Decolonising curriculum change and implementation : voices from Social Studies Zimbabwean Teachers
(South African Society for History Teaching (SASHT) under the patronage of the Department of Humanities Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Pretoria, 2021)In 1980, Zimbabwe inherited a Eurocentric education system from the British colony, aimed at the perpetuation of the subordination and silencing of the African child. When the government of Zimbabwe noticed the infestation ... -
Decolonising life orientation by integrating indigenous knowledge in Technical Vocational Education and Training colleges in North West province, South Africa
(North-West University (South Africa), 2018)"Abstract not copied" -
Decolonising social work research with families experiencing intergenerational trauma
(UNISA Press, 2018)This article focuses on social work research with displaced families in the Western Cape, South Africa, who have experienced both the historical trauma of their slave past and the trauma of displacement during apartheid. ...