Browsing by Subject "Deelname"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Deelname in Plaaslike Regering en Demokratiese Konsolidasie in Suid-Afrika - 'n Analise
(North-West University, 2018)Suid-Afrika is 'n nuwe demokrasie en daarom is die fokus van hierdie studie gerig op die konsolidasie van demokrasie met spesifieke verwysing na die plaaslike regeringsfeer. In hierdie verband is die kernaspekte wat teoreties ... -
Die fasilitering van deelnemende kommunikasie deur loveLife se Facebook-sosialemediaplatform
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)In die dissipline van kommunikasie vir sosiale verandering word die deelnemende benadering tot kommunikasie as die normatiewe benadering beskou. Die benadering berus op die beginsels van deelname, dialoog en bemagtiging. ... -
Motivation of women to participate in an income-generating project : the FLAGH programme
(2013)There is a large amount of poverty-stricken people in South Africa, especially among female farm dwellers. Poverty is a problem with many facets that needs a multi-dimensional approach. One of the approaches used to ... -
Sport psychological skills profile of 14– and 15–year old sport participants in Tlokwe Municipality : the PAHL–Study
(2014)The importance of sport psychological skills (SPSs) is emphasised by numerous previous literature findings which show that the integration of SPSs with physical training leads to the development of adolescent sport ... -
Die toepassing van herstellende geregtigheid as alternatief tot dissiplinêre optrede deur skole se beheerliggame
(2014)This dissertation evaluates the feasibility of extending restorative justice to school disciplinary action in South African schools. It considers developments in education and identifies relevant shortcomings before ...