Browsing by Subject "Deelnemende benadering"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Die aard van kommunikasie in ontwikkelingsprojekte van die Studente–JOOL–Gemeenskapsdiens (NWU–PUKKE)
(North-West University, 2012)The Student RAG Community Service (SRCS), a unique non-governmental organisation (NGO) of the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University, aims to support and to enable other NGOs to function independently. For this ... -
Deelnemende kommunikasie in die evaluasie van KSV–programme by twee maatskappye
(North-West University, 2013)In this study it is argued that organisations can contribute to development through their Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives (CSR). Therefore one should consider CSR programmes similar to development programmes ... -
Die fasilitering van deelnemende kommunikasie deur loveLife se Facebook-sosialemediaplatform
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)In die dissipline van kommunikasie vir sosiale verandering word die deelnemende benadering tot kommunikasie as die normatiewe benadering beskou. Die benadering berus op die beginsels van deelname, dialoog en bemagtiging. ... -
Koppelvlakontwerp om plekspesifieke digitale literatuur toeganklik te maak vir gebruikers met siggestremdheid
(North-West University (South Africa), 2019)In hierdie studie lewer ek verslag oor die toeganklikmakingsproses van die Byderhand-Pionierprojek, ʼn plekspesifieke digitale literatuurprojek, vir gebruikers met siggestremdheid. Plekspesifieke digitale literatuur is ʼn ... -
'n Model vir korporatiewe-sosialeverantwoordelikheidskommunikasie : 'n toepassing in die landbousektor
(2015)It is the contention of this study that corporate social responsibility (CSR) has at least two functions: contributing towards sustainable development, and creating a strategic advantage for the company concerned. To achieve ... -
Die rol van oraliteit en identiteit in die bevordering van gemeenskapseie woordkuns in Suid–Afrika
(North-West University, 2010)There are many spaces and identities in South Africa which have not been described; communities where the creative potential of the storytellers/writers have not been developed. The complexity of the South African society, ...