Browsing by Subject "Delphi"
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Lessons learned from teaching scratch as an introduction to object-oriented Programming in Delphi
(Taylor & Francis, 2016)As part of curriculum changes in South Africa, an introductory programming language, Scratch, must first be taught before switching to the well-established teaching of Delphi. The nature of programming in Scratch is ... -
Die onderrig van Scratch met die oog op die aanleer van Delphi as objekgeoriënteerde programmeertaal
(2014)Volgens die Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring moet Inligtingstegnologie-leerders in graad 10 aanvangsonderrig in Scratch as programmeertaal ontvang en in graad 11 na Delphi of Java as programmeertaal oorskakel. In ...