Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • City government resilience: Towards a diagnostic instrument 

      Van der Merwe, L. (North-West University (South Africa). Potchefstroom Campus, 2018)
      This study starts with exploring the evolution of thinking regarding organisations as open systems. It provides a perspective on a total systems approach to organisation design and organisation development and identifies ...
    • Developing a channelling framework for healthcare service providers networks for a medical scheme in South Africa 

      Ward, E.C. (North-West University (South Africa), 2021)
      This study aimed to develop a channelling framework for healthcare service provider networks for medical schemes in South Africa. Healthcare costs are continuously on the rise and schemes, competing for the same member ...
    • Leerbenaderings en akademiese prestasie van EBW-onderwysstudente 

      Van Staden, Louis; Nel, Carisma (Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 2016)
      Een van die groot probleme in die ho'ronderwyssisteem is dat die deurvloeisyfers nie na wense is nie. 'n Groot aantal studente skryf in vir 'n graad maar voltooi dit nie binne die voorgeskrewe tydperk nie. Een van die mees ...
    • The networking practices of businesswomen 

      Bogaards, Marlene; De Klerk, Saskia; Mostert, Karina (2011)
      The primary objective of this study was to investigate the networking practices of businesswomen in the Gauteng Province, South Africa. The study of businesswomen's networking practices can provide critical insight into ...