Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Experiments to improve forecasting accuracy of regression models with minimal assumptions 

      Van der Westhuizen, Magderie; Hattingh, Giel; Kruger, Hennie (ORLab Analytics, 2010)
      The forecasting accuracy of a regression model relies heavily on the applicability of the assumptions made by the model builder. In addition, the presence of outliers may also lead to models that are not reliable and thus ...
    • A multi-instrument ionospheric Faraday rotation analysis 

      Saharin, M.R. (North-West University, 2018)
      Radio interferometers are used for polarimetric imaging. This is one of the types of studies that will be done at the Southern African MeerKAT telescope and in turn, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope. The polarization ...