Browsing Journals by Author "10061797 - Oosthuizen, Gerhardus Johannes Jakobus"
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The Barolong ba ga Modiboa of Machaviestat (Matlwang): victims of forced removals, 1923 - 1995.
Oosthuizen, Gerhard J.J. (Departement van Geskiedenis, Universiteit van Noordwes / Department of History, University of North-West, 1996)• Opsomming: Gedurende 1960 tot 1983 is sowat 3,5 miljoen Suid-Afrikaners deur die hervestigingsbeleid van opeenvolgende Apartheidsregerings geraak. ʼn Sprekende voorbeeld van gelede onreg betreffende gedwonge verskuiwings ... -
Die Bahurutshe van die Marico (Ramotshere Moiloa distrik): stryd teen blanke oorheersing, 1852 - 1916.
Oosthuizen, Gerhard J.J. (School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2007)The early history of the Bahurutshe cannot be determined without using a combination of oral tradition, archaeological evidence and written documentation. The Sotho-Tswana moved into the Trans-Vaal area in three big migration ... -
Die Suid-Afrikaanse weermag en die "stryd" om Cuito Cuanavale: fases 2, 3 en 4 van Operasie Moduler, Oktober - Desember 1987 [deel 2]
Oosthuizen, Gerhard J.J. (School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2011)Several international events contributed to the fact that the struggle for South West Africa was not confined only to SWAPO and the South African forces. Because of a coup d’etat and the economic and moral burden ... -
Die Suid-Afrikaanse weermag en Transgrensoperasie Moduler, fase 1: die FAPLA-offensief teen UNITA, Augustus - Oktober 1987 [deel 1]
Oosthuizen, Gerhard J.J. (School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2010)• Summary: The objective of the South West African People’s Organisation (SWAPO) was to liberate South West Africa (Namibia) from South African rule. In 1962, SWAPO decided to combine the political struggle for the freedom ... -
The league of nations: South Africa and the Rehoboth Basters' constitutional struggle, 1919 - 1939.
Oosthuizen, Gerhard J.J. (Department of History, University of North-West, 1999)Die groep mense van gemengde afkoms wat gedurende die agtiende eeu in die Noordwes-Kaap hulle ontstaan gehad het, en later as die Rehoboth-Basters bekend geword het, het in 1868 die Kaapkolonie verlaat en hulle in 1870 in ... -
The South African Defence Force versus SWAPO and its allies: operation Askari, 1983 - 1984.
Oosthuizen, Gerhard J.J. (Department of History, North-West University, Mafikeng-campus and the School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2005)Die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag (SAW) en die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie (SAP) was betrokke in militêre konflik met die bevrydingsbewegings vir die volle duur van die sogenaamde grensoorlog aan die noordelike grens van Suidwes-Afrika ... -
Strewe na 'n "volkstaat": die prekoloniale posisie van die Rehoboth-basters in Namibië, 1868 - 1884.
Oosthuizen, Gerhard J.J. (Department of History, University of North-West, 1998)The people of mixed ancestry who came into being in the North Western Cape in the course of the eighteenth century and later known as the Rehoboth Basters, left the Cape Colony in 1868 and in 1870 settled at Rehoboth and ...