Browsing Journals by Subject "Advertising"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Archetyping race, gender and class: advertising in The Bantu World and The World from the 1930s to the 1990s
(2006)This article sets out to interrogate the ideological hegemony of the superstructuring narrative voice in advertisements by studying linguistic, structural devices and encoding that are employed, in order to expose its ... -
Changing profile: the public face of the University of Pretoria over a century, 1908 - 2008.
(School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2010)• Opsomming: In die tydperk na die eerste demokratiese verkiesing in 1994, het die meeste tersiêre opvoedkundige instellings in Suid-Afrika, insluitend die vorige sogenaamde “apartheid” universiteite, weens verskeie redes ... -
An evaluation of the self-regulation of promotional competitions in South Africa
(2016)Promotional competitions are competitions in which prizes are awarded by lot or chance in order to promote goods or services. In order to protect participants and consumers against abuse, these competitions are usually ...