Browsing Journals by Subject "Apartheid"
Now showing items 1-10 of 32
Afrikanerliberalisme in die tydperk 1775 - 1975 – die interpretasies van GD Scholtz en H Giliomee.
(North-West University, 2011)Two historians, GD Scholtz and H Giliomee, have written extensively about liberal political thought among Afrikaners during the period 1775-1975. Their interpretations of the influence of liberalism on Afrikaner political ... -
Anachronism and the rewriting of history: the South Africa case
(2006)The use and abuse of anachronism is often seen as the quintessence of the writing of history. Historians tend to conceive it as the hardcore of their métier to avoid anachronism. It designates a confusion in order of time, ... -
Bantu Education: destructive intervention or part reform?
(School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2012)The introduction of public education for blacks in 1953 and the withdrawal of state subsidies from mission schools were among the most controversial measures that the National Party (NP) government took. In introducing Bantu ... -
“The British coloureds of Sophiatown”: the case of St. Joseph’s Home for coloured children, 1923-1998
(School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2017)During apartheid South Africa (1948-1994), black, coloured, and Indian children did not enjoy the same privileges as their peers of European descent – because of racial discrimination. However, some destitute coloured ... -
Business, state and society - doing business apartheid style: the case of Pep Stores Peninsula Limited.
(School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2012)This article uses the Pep Stores Peninsula Ltd case study (1973-1974) as a window on State-Business relationships during apartheid and to highlight the dynamics and outcomes generated by the combination of state controlled ... -
A comparative investigation into the representation of Russia in apartheid and post-apartheid era South African History textbooks
(The South African Society for History Teaching (SASHT) under the auspices of the School of Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2018)In this comparative study we employed a quantitative approach, underpinned by the interpretivist paradigm, to analyse the content on Russia as found in Apartheid and post-Apartheid History textbooks. This was done by means ... -
Contradictions of community within local government in the 1950s with reference to municipal beer trading.
(School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2009)• Opsomming: Hierdie artikel beskryf die etiese dilemmas waarin munisipale amptenare in die 1950s hulleself bevind het, veral rakende die munisipale bierbrouery in die swart woongebiede. Hierdie ervarings illustreer die ... -
Cousins no more? The 1948 crisis in ties between the Netherlands and Afrikaner nationalists
(School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2017)Despite historic Dutch-Afrikaner links, the Netherlands became a leading critic of South Africa’s National Party (NP) government. Many scholars agree that while differences on involvement in World War II hurt ties, the ... -
The Customary Anatomy of the Traditional Governance of the Bafokeng Traditional Community: The Implications of the Constitutional Recognition of Hereditary Headmanship
(2017-10-18)The institution of the hereditary headmanship of the Bafokeng traditional community in the North West Province, South Africa has been in existence from time immemorial. It survived the calamities and vicissitudes of both ... -
A Disgrace to the Master Race: Colonial Discourse Surrounding the Incarceration of "European" Prisoners within the Colony of Natal towards the End of the Nineteenth and Beginning of the 20th Centuries
(2017-12-08)The discourse surrounding the punishment of offenders within a society reveals much about the particular ideological underpinnings of power within that society. Penal discourse within colonial societies is particularly ...