Vir die Musiekleier: 2015 Jaargang 35
Jaargang 35, Desember 2015
- Voorwoord / Vermeulen, O
- Huldeblyk T.T. Cloete (31-05-24 – 29-07-15) / Du Plooy, H
- Spiritualiteit en Musiek: Gevleuelde Dissiplines / Potgieter, H & Lombaard, C
- "All things bright and beautiful" – children singing the apostolic creed / Kruger, D
- "Heer, 'n kleine kinderbende sing sy loflied tot u eer!" / Van Vreden, M
- Music in worship: making spiritual connections through sound / Joseph, D & Petersen, A
- Om die rol van Jesus te vertolk - die ervaring van die akteurs / Davel, H
- A liturgical justification for a duet or duo organ transcription of Fauré's requiem, opus 4 / Beukes, J
- Dualistiese benaderings ten opsigte van musiek en kerkmusiek / Kloppers, J
- Koraalvoorspel op Lied 219, 220 (Hyfrydol) / Kloppers, J
CD resensies
- I Am the Voice / Carstens, C
- Phoenix / Carstens, C
- In't spoor van Albert Schweitzer / Carstens, C
- Cape Town Experience / Carstens, C
Recent Submissions
Cape Town Experience. [CD resensie]
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2015) -
In't spoor van Albert Schweitzer. [CD resensie]
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2015) -
Phoenix. [CD resensie]
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2015) -
I Am the Voice. [CD resensie]
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2015) -
Koraalvoorspel op Lied 219, 220 (Hyfrydol)
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2015) -
Dualistiese benaderings ten opsigte van musiek en kerkmusiek
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2015)The paper endeavours to identify dualistic concepts in music and church music and to offer an integrated alternative. Examples of dualistic thinking: The separation of the human being into “body” and “soul”; of music into ... -
A liturgical justification for a duet or duo organ transcription of Fauré's requiem, opus 4
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2015)Ofskoon Fauré se Requiem (Opus 48) op ’n besonder komplekse ontstaansgeskiedenis aanspraak maak, waarby verskeie weergawes van die werk oor dekades heen gestalte verkry het, is die vraagstuk van ’n orreltranskripsie nog ... -
Music in worship: making spiritual connections through sound
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2015)Music has played a significant role in religion and spiritual settings over the centuries and continues to be included throughout church history, forming an important aspect of worship, contributing to spiritual growth ... -
"Heer, ’n kleine kinderbende sing sy loflied tot u eer!"
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2015)The purpose of this article is to explore how singing in a religious singing assembly once a week contributes to the spiritual wellbeing of a group of learners from a primary school in Potchefstroom. Creative applications ... -
"All things bright and beautiful" – children singing the apostolic creed
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2015)Die kerk het oor die eeue heen van liedere gebruikgemaak om teologiese waarhede oor te dra aan volgelinge. Hierdie proses het ook plaasgevind in die godsdienstige onderrig van kinders. Kinderkerkliedere raak veral in die ... -
Spiritualiteit en Musiek: Gevleuelde Dissiplines
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2015)After a recent paper exploring the newest developments related to the unfolding post-secular spirituality internationally, namely in the fields of Sociology, Law, Philosophy and Theology, this paper explores the recent ... -
Huldeblyk T.T. Cloete (31-05-24 – 29-07-15)
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2015) -
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2015) -
Om die rol van Jesus te vertolk – die ervaring van die akteurs
(Die Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging, 2015)Since the start of the Lady Grey Passion Play in 2002 seven actors have portrayed the role of Jesus. This article investigates the meaning that these seven actors ascribe to their experience of acting this role. The ...