Heading alignment with summarized inertial pose constraints
A discontinuity seems to exist in present aided
inertial navigation systems – the operational availability of high
cost inertial navigation currently depends on the availability of
a valid GPS lock. In general GPS solutions can be two or
more orders cheaper than their inertial sensors counterparts.
This paper addresses the north alignment by gyrocompassing in
the context of more modern smoothing techniques. Incremental
smoothing is becoming a serious contender for in-situ state
estimation. The work here presents a probabilistic model
for north alignment with an analysis towards the achievable
accuracy of such a system. A pose graph formulation is used to
estimate inertial sensor calibration terms over a long spanning
trajectory, from which a true north alignment can be extracted.
The preintegral method is used to condense high rate inertial
data, but allow for post integration bias correction. Results
show that the proposed alignment scheme is feasible, and would
for gyrocompassing alignment relaxed sensor performance