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dc.contributor.authorVan Rooy, Jacoba
dc.identifier.citationvan Rooy, J. 2013. Die rol van die melodie in die aanvaarding van nuwe liedere in 'n kerkgemeenskap. Vir die Musiekleier. 33: 66-82, Des. []en_US
dc.description.abstractThe Role of the Melody in the Acceptance of New Hymns in Congregations In many countries, efforts are being made to enlarge the repertoire of hymns used in churches. This paper builds on a questionnaire sent to members of the Reformed Churches in South Africa. The questionnaire put questions about the usage frequency of hymns found in the hymnal of this denomination. In the process of selecting new hymns for a hymnal, the characteristics required of a hymn are taken into account, including the musical aspects. This paper deals with the question whether the melody of a new hymn could play a significant role in the acceptability of the hymn. It also defines the hymn in the reformed tradition and analyses a number of new hymns that are frequently sung in the churches. The investigation emphasises the need for new hymns in the Reformed Churches, especially New Testament hymns and hymns suitable for use during the different periods of the ecclesiastical year. New hymns in the new hymnal of the Reformed Churches (Psalmboek, 2003) that have been accepted quickly usually have short melodies that consist of four phrases, with some kind of repetition in the melody and often with melismas. The conclusion of the paper is that the melody can play a significant role in the acceptance of a new hymn.en_US
dc.publisherDie Suider-Afrikaanse Kerkorrelisteverenigingen_US
dc.titleDie rol van die melodie in die aanvaarding van nuwe liedere in 'n kerkgemeenskapen_US

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