Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Enkele opmerkings oor bankrot munisipaliteite
The insolvency of municipalities is no longer a rare incident; it is a reality. It is interesting to note that even in the United States of America the insolvency of municipalities is currently an equally serious concern. ...
Enkele relevante aspekte ten opsigte van risiko's waar maatskappye aanspreeklik is vir omgewingsbenadeling
(Juta Law, 2012)
With regard to environmental harm and the liability for damages caused thereby, various risks emerge. The first risk is liability itself, and, for any person or entity that operates a business where the environment is to ...
European and American perspectives on the choice of law regarding cross-border insolvencies of multinational corporations: suggestions for South Africa
(NWU, 2012)
An increase in economic globalisation and international trade has amounted to an
increase in the number of multinational enterprises that have debt, own assets and
conduct business in various jurisdictions around the ...
Die aanspreeklikheid van 'n insolvente maatskappy en die likwidateur van 'n insolvente maatskappy vir vergoeding as gevolg van omgewingsbenadeling
(Juta Law, 2012)
With regard to environmental harm by an insolvent company, the concern with the liquidator of the insolvent company is usually the extent to which he or she shall personally be held liable for environmental harm caused ...
Die toepassing van verskillende teorieë vir die beoordeling van die regsposisie van versekerde skuldeisers in 'n oorgrens insolvensieprosedure
(Juta Law Publishing, 2015)
Die voorkeurorde is die hart en kern van enige insolvensieregstelsel. Hierdie orde bepaal die hiërargie onder skuldeisers in 'n finale likwidasie. Woods noem dit die prioriteitsleer (ladder of priorities) en dit is hierdie ...
Die effek van sekwestrasie op huiswerkers en die bepaling van voordeel vir skuldeisers weer onder die loep
(LexisNexis, 2017)
The concept of “advantage to creditors” in insolvency law is not without problems. Inevitably
the question arises, and is discussed in this note, whether the notion of creditor
advantage ultimately got stuck at determining ...
Artikel 102 van die insolvensiewet en notariële verbande: van onsekerheid na sekerheid?
(LexisNexis, 2017)
In this note, the application of section 102 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 is analysed.
This section provides preference (and not real security) to the holder of a specific type of
notarial bond. To understand the ...
Die effek van 'n voorlopige sekwestrasiebevel – word my reg om 'n lid van die parlement te wees ingeperk?
The question asked in this article is inspired by the recent case of Mr Julius Malema. Why the matter is so important and has enjoyed so much attention, is the fact that it was widely suggested that a final order of ...
Het ‘n eerste verbandhouer werklik ‘n “vry hand"-voorkeur ten opsigte van sy sekuriteit as vervreembare goed kragtens artikel 8(b) van die Insolvensiewet? Absa Bank Ltd V Collier 2015 4 Sa 364 (WCC)
(University of the Free State, 2017)
Met ‘n vlugtige lees van die opsomming van hierdie saak was die skrywers van mening dat die uitspraak nie juis noemenswaardig is nie, maar met nadere ondersoek het dit geblyk dat dit uiters belangrike kwessies aanroer. Dit ...