Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Religion in the classroom: comparative observations
(Unisa Press, 2012)
As a profound characteristic of humanity that cannot be circumvented or dismissed, faith, religion and religious practices are ubiquitous. There is a direct link between the propagation of religions and education. Despite ...
Godsdienspluraliteit en die liberale staat – die illusie van sekulêre neutraliteit
(AOSIS, 2016)
Religious pluralism and the liberal state - the illusion of secular neutrality. Whereas church and state have long been separated since the emergence of the modern state, law and religion have not been separated and can ...
Konstitusionalisme in Suid-Afrika
(Litnet Akademies, 2014)
Teen die agtergrond van 'n veelbewoë staatsregtelike geskiedenis is konstitusionalisme deur die 1993- en 1996-Grondwette in die Suid-Afrikaanse regsorde ingevoer. Konstitusionalisme is 'n term wat, as deel van die globale ...
Transformasie en die universiteitswese = Transformation and the University Sector
(Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 2016)
"Transformation" is not defined in parliamentary legislation or the Constitution. Nevertheless, the policy documents of the Government and the ANC bestow immense importance on the notion, which bears significant ideological, ...
Rethinking the language of constitutional comparison
(Taylor & Francis, 2017)
While constitutional comparatists may be talking the same language while saying (or thinking) different things, the significance of constitutional communication and more importantly of comparative endeavours may suffer ...
Arms deals, bribery and political interference: How (im)potent the (rule of ) law?
(Juta Law, 2008)
What can be done in law when a government prevents one of its own law-enforcement agencies from pursuing an investigation into alleged corruption and bribery? This question was raised in the judgment of April 2008 by the ...
Die staat, staatsreg en globalisering
(Juta & Company Ltd., 2008)
As navorser oor die publiekreg is Ig Rautenbach van akademiese "kindsbeen" af 'n regsvergelyker. Hy het sy dissipline gedurende sy loopbaan sien groei en verander. Hier, in erkenning van sy inspirerende werk oor meer as ...
Globalization of constitutional law through comparative constitution-making.
(Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2008)