Now showing items 1-10 of 66
Perceptive approaches to the interpretation and realisation of South Africa's Constitutional Environmental Right
(School of Law, University of Natal, 2009)
Land matters and rural development : 2009(2)
(Verloren van Themaat Centre, UNISA, 2009)
Grave concerns were raised as to whether the overall land reform programme embarked upon in 1994 has really been successful (Van der Walt 'Hoekom grondhervorming misluk' Burger (2009-08-28) 28; Barnard 'Zuma moet ingryp ...
Water and the public trust doctrine - a South African perspective
(North-West University (Vaal Triangle Campus), 2008)
The legal principles concerning rights to water have been changed considerably by the provisions of the National Water Act 36 of 1998. The National Water Act aims to redistribute water rights to previously disadvantaged ...
Onrus en Geweld: 2009 (1): joernaal
(VerLoren Van Themaat Centre, UNISA, 2009)
Een van die gebeure wat die grootste opspraak tydens die verslagtydperk gelewer het, was die ontbinding van die sogenaamde Skerpioene (Direktoraat van Spesiale Operasies). Die ontbinding het tot hewige kritiek en hofsake ...
Onrus en geweld: 2008(2),(2009/120)
(VerLoren Van Themaat Centre, UNISA, 2009)
Een van die opspraakwekkendste gebeure gedurende die verslagtydperk was die geweld wat landwyd uitgebreek het as gevolg van vreemdelingehaat of xenofobie. Einde Mei 2008 het vreemdelingegeweld eers net sporadies uitgebreek, ...
Onrus en geweld : 2009(2): joernaal
(VerLoren Van Themaat Centre, UNISA, 2009)
Die verslagtydperk word deur geweld deur polisie teen verdedigingsmaglede tydens stakings en teen munisipale werkers gekenmerk (Van Rooyen en Du Toit 'Polisie skiet op soldate' Beeld (2009-08-27) 1; Coetzee 'Hardhandige ...
Legal guidelines for the collection of information in the competitive intelligence process in South Africa
(AOSIS, 2003)
Regardless of the complexity and uncertainty in any environment, information processing (a
firm’s ability to adapt to existing market conditions) is largely dependent on its ability to
process relevant market information ...
The South African Civil Union Act 2006: progressive legislation with regressive implications?
(Oxford University Press, 2008)
A ground-breaking judgment handed down by the Constitutional Court on 1 December 2005 gave parliament 1 year within which to promulgate legislation that facilitated same-sex marriage in South Africa. In response, the Civil ...
Land affairs and rural development; agriculture : 2009 (1) : journal
(Verloren van Themaat Centre, UNISA, 2009)
Die grondwetlikheid van die voorgestelde onteieningsraamwerkd vir Suid-Afrika : aantekeninge
(Juta & CoJohannesburg : Faculty of Law, Rand Afrikaans University, 2009)