Faculty of Law: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 388
The adequacy of the legal framework for combating money laundering and terrorist financing in Nigeria
(Emerald, 2023)Abstract Purpose – Banditry and terrorism constitute serious security risks in Nigeria. This follows the fact that Nigeria is rated as one of the leading states in the world that is plagued by terrorism. Terrorists ... -
From post-war reconciliation to European integration? Competing historicities of ‘exchange’ in European small-town twinning
(Cambridge University Press, 2023)Abstract Town twinning is often seen as a linear driving force of European integration. This article argues that town twinning’s historicity is more complex. The initial post-war period, according to today’s practitioners’ ... -
City-Level Law and Action for Climate-Resilient Development in Southern Africa
(Cambridge University Press, 2023)This article studies eight cities in four countries in the southern African region (Namibia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Botswana) to explore whether and how local governing author ity has been channelled towards local ... -
Local governance and Wetlands management : a tale of Harare City in Zimbabwe
(Springer, 2022)For years, urban scholars have underscored the value of pristine and functioning ecosystems, including urban wetlands, to human life. However, less well-understood is the role of local government (mainly urban municipalities) ... -
Legislative responses to the challenge of insufficient data on water service delivery in South African cities
(Springer, 2022)This article investigates the existing legal responses to the challenge of insufficient data on water service delivery in cities. The article finds that no explicit duty exists for cities to collect the data or information ... -
Solar geoengineering : the case for an international non-use agreement
(2022)Solar geoengineering is gaining prominence in climate change debates as an issue worth studying; for some it is even a potential future policy option. We argue here against this increasing normalization of solar ... -
Legal guidelines for the collection of information in the competitive intelligence process in South Africa
(AOSIS, 2003)Regardless of the complexity and uncertainty in any environment, information processing (a firm’s ability to adapt to existing market conditions) is largely dependent on its ability to process relevant market information ... -
Artikel 102 van die insolvensiewet en notariële verbande: van onsekerheid na sekerheid?
(LexisNexis, 2017)In this note, the application of section 102 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 is analysed. This section provides preference (and not real security) to the holder of a specific type of notarial bond. To understand the ... -
Die effek van sekwestrasie op huiswerkers en die bepaling van voordeel vir skuldeisers weer onder die loep
(LexisNexis, 2017)The concept of “advantage to creditors” in insolvency law is not without problems. Inevitably the question arises, and is discussed in this note, whether the notion of creditor advantage ultimately got stuck at determining ... -
Promises of protection? Article 16 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and gender-based violence in South Africa
(Elsevier, 2017)Article 16 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) guarantees persons with disabilities freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse. This article explores the current status of implementation ... -
Help, harm or hinder? Non-governmental service providers' perspectives on families and gender-based violence against women with intellectual disabilities in South Africa
(Taylor & Francis, 2017)Through in-depth interviews with service providers from non-governmental organisations (n = 58), this article describes the intricacy of familial relationships for women with intellectual disabilities in South Africa who ... -
Sexual harassment as a ground for dismissal: a critical evaluation of the labour and labour appeal courts' decisions in Simmers v Campbell Scientific Africa
(Juta, 2017)In die hantering van seksuele teistering as 'n vorm van wangedrag het werkgewers en voorsittende beamptes die statutêre verpligting om die riglyne in die “Goeie praktykskode: hantering van seksuele teistering gevalle" (soos ... -
South Africa s water crisis: The idea of property as both a cause and solution
(University of the Western Cape, Faculty Of Law, 2017)It is approaching 20 years since South Africa's legal transformation of its water regulatory framework. With the legal transformation, the traditional exclusive private law ownership-object approach to water resources ... -
South Africa's integrated urban development framework and sustainable development goal 11: policy mismatch or success?
(Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2017)This paper critically questions the extent to which the Integrated Urban Development Framework, 2016 (IUDF) provides for strategic goals and policy levers towards the pursuit of sustainable cities in South Africa as ... -
Rethinking the language of constitutional comparison
(Taylor & Francis, 2017)While constitutional comparatists may be talking the same language while saying (or thinking) different things, the significance of constitutional communication and more importantly of comparative endeavours may suffer ... -
A review of academic freedom in Africa through the Prism of the UNESCO's 1997 Recommendation
(CODESRIA, 2016)An assessment of the level of compliance of the UNESCO Recommendation in Europe, Australia, USA and other jurisdictions indicates that the document has been honoured more in its breach than in its observance. Having returned ... -
Insolvency Law- Update
(2017) -
The identity question versus appropriateness of legal anti-discrimination measures: endorsing the disability rights approach to albinism
(Pretoria University Law Press (PULP), 2017)The marginalisation of persons with albinism has for years gone unnoticed. Recently various platforms have been used to combat reported harmful practices against persons with albinism, particularly in Africa. While it is ...