Browsing Natural and Agricultural Sciences by Title
Now showing items 1587-1606 of 2738
Karakterisering van Grubbs-tipe prekatalisatore met behulp van kernmagnetiese resonansspektroskopie
(North-West University, 2014)Since the development of the ruthenium containing precatalysts Grubbs 1 (1) and Grubbs 2 (2), there was an increase in the development of new precatalysts. The NMR characterization could not cope with this. The NMR ... -
Katioonuitruiling tussen mieliewortels en kleisuspensies
(North-West University (South Africa), 1963)"Abstract not copied" -
Key biotic components of the indigenous Tortricidae and Heteroptera complexes occuring on macadamia in South Africa
(North-West University, 2009)In South Africa macadamia nuts are attacked by a variety of mostly indigenous pests which can be divided into two basic complexes, namely a nut borer complex (consisting of 3 tortricid moths.) and a stink bug (Heteroptera) ... -
'n Kinantropometriese en asimmetriese profiel van internasionale manlike elite-spiesgooiers
(North-West University, 2004)The importance of studies on a complete anthropometric profile is stressed due to the lack of literature and due to the fact that athletes' morphological composition is one of the factors that contribute to performance. ... -
Kinematics and star formation histories of brightest cluster galaxies
(North-West University (South Africa), 2023)Brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) are the most massive and luminous galaxies in the Universe. In this work we study BCGs at intermediate redshifts (0.3 < z < 0.8) to provide more observational insights on the BCG formation ... -
Kinematics and stellar populations of dwarf elliptical galaxies
(North-West University, 2018)Galaxy clusters serve as ideal laboratories to address the fundamental question of how environmental influence governs galaxy formation and evolution. They predominantely host elliptical and lenticular (early-type) ... -
Kinetics of the photocatalytic reduction of platinum (IV) in a batch and flow reactor
(North-West University, 2012)Semiconductor photocatalysis has received considerable attention in recent years as an alternative for treating water polluted with hazardous organic chemicals. The process, as a means of removal of persistent water ... -
Klonering en uitdrukking van die mensgeen vir interleukin-3 (IL-3)
(North-West University (South Africa), 1995)CLONING AND EXPRESSION OF THE HUMAN GENE FOR INTERLEUKIN-3 (IL-3) The hematopo"ietic growth factor, IL-3, is responsible for the proliferation and differentiation of pluripotent stemcells to mature effector cells in the ... -
Knowledge and adoption of water use efficiency techniques among women irrigators in the North West Province
(North-West University (South Africa), 2017)The aim of the study was to determine knowledge and adoption of water use efficiency techniques among women irrigators in the North West Province, South Africa. The study was conducted in two districts: Dr Ruth Segomotsi ... -
Konveks inverteerbare keëls en die Cohen-Lewkowicz interpolasiestelling
(North-West University, 2018)Convex cones, de ned on any algebra with a unit element, which are closed under inversion (convex invertible cones or cics for short) are studied. We establish that the intersection of cics is a cic. For a set X contained ... -
Kosmiese ruisabsorpsie te SANAE gedurende 1964
(North-West University (South Africa), 1966)Cosmic noise absorption measured by a 30 Mc/s Riometer at the South African Antarctic base, SANAE, was used to deter mine the temporal and latitudinal variation in ionospheric absorption . It was found that absorption ... -
Kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe seisoensondersoek na die soöplankton in Loskopdam
(North-West University (South Africa), 1968)"Abstract not copied" -
Kwantifisering van urinêre organiese materiaal by die identifisering van aangebore metaboliese siekte-toestande
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1993)Inherited metabolic diseases are the cause of 25 - 35% of infant deaths in industrialized countries. In order to facilitate the treatment and genetic counselling of these diseases, early diagnosis is imperative. The high ... -
Laboratory scale testing and modelling of sub-surface wetlands to reduce sulphate
(North-West University, 2018)Water quality impacts related to coal mining are mostly caused by exposing sulphide bearing minerals, such as pyrite, to oxygen and water. The oxidation of sulphide bearing minerals produces acid, metals, trace metals, and ... -
Laboratory-scale evaluation of different aspects related to Ceratium hirundinella removal during simulation of a conventional water treatment plant which includes sedimentation
(North-West University, 2015)The freshwater dinoflagellate species, Ceratium hirundinella (C. hirundinella) possesses unique characteristics, such as a thecal-plate cell covering of cellulose, spines and flagella. Unlike most other algae and cyanobacteria, ... -
Land Capability Evaluation Using Remote Sensing and GIS in Communal Areas of North West Province, South Africa
(North-West University (South Africa), 2017)This study sought to develop a framework as a tool for land capability evaluation using remote sensing, GIS and geostatistical techniques for communal areas, where the results can be duplicated in other geographical areas ... -
Land use and land cover change as a consequence of the South African land reform programme : a remote sensing approach
(2012)Over 18 years after the democratic government took power in South Africa, environmental changes relevant to the land reform policies are taking place because of unintended consequences of land reform policy. This study ... -
Land use and urban efficiency : towards more resilient cities
(North-West University (South Africa), 2016)This study aimed to provide a practical set of tools that may lead to improved urban resilience and efficiency. The goal of this set of tools is to improve and simplify the implementation of urban resilience and efficiency, ... -
Land use/cover changes and vulnerability to flooding in the harts catchment, South Africa
(2012)The purpose of this study was to determine the hydrological impacts of land use/land cover (LULC) change in the Harts River catchment from 1990 to 2010 using an integration of remote sensing, Geographic Information System ... -
Landscape function in bush thickened and -controlled areas of the semi-arid savanna in the Molopo region, South Africa
(North-West University, 2017)Bush thickening (bush encroachment) and the effects thereof on the environment has been a very well debated topic over the past few decades which led to the formation of two valid but rather opposite opinions. Pasture ...