Browsing Natural and Agricultural Sciences by Title
Now showing items 1863-1882 of 2738
'n Bio-ekologiese ondersoek na die terrestriële Oligochaeta in die Mooirivierbesproeiingsgebied
(North-West University (South Africa), 1978)The earthworm fauna in established irrigation soil in the Mooi River irrigation area was investigated. A quantitative and qualitative faunistic survey indicated that there were five different species in this irrigation ... -
'n Ekologies-voedingsfisiologiese studie van Themeda triandra, Panicum coloratum en Eragrostis curvula
(North-West University (South Africa), 1964)"Abstract not copied" -
n Ekologiese ondersoek na die varswateroligochaete [Annelida] van die Mooirivier, Transvaal
(North-West University (South Africa), 2022)"No Abstract" -
'n Ekologiese ondersoek van die plante groei van die plaas Somerville 53 en omgewing. (Dist. Ventersdorp), met besondere aandag aan die bodemkundige aspek
(North-West University (South Africa), 1971)"Abstract not copied" -
'n Ekologiese ondersoek van die plantegroei van 'n gedeelte van die laer Krokodilriviervallei noordwes van Thabazimbi, met besondere aandag aan die bodemkundige aspek
(North-West University (South Africa), 1971)Abstract not copied" -
'n Ekologiese ondersoek van die plantegroei van die plaas Somerville 53 en omgewing, distrik Ventersdorp, met besondere aandag aan die bodemkunde aspek
(North-West University (South Africa), 1971)"Abstract not copied" -
'n Ekologiese ondersoek van die plantgemeenskappe tussen die Krokodil- en Matlabasrivier, met spesiale aandag aan die invloed van edafiese faktore op die verspreiding van houtagtige spesies
(North-West University (South Africa), 1973)"Abstract not copied" -
'n Ekologiese ondersoek van die samestelling en struktuur van verteenwoordigende plantgemeenskappe van die Soet-Bosveld, met spesiale aandag aan die invloed van edafiese faktore op die verspreiding van houtagtige spesies
(North-West University (South Africa), 1972)The study was conducted in the Lower Crocodile valley in the Northwestern Transvaal, which is approximately located on the border between Botswana and the R.S.A. The aim of the study amongst others was the determination ... -
'n Ekologiese studie van gifblaar, Dichapetalum cymosum [Hook] Engl. in die Pretoria-omgewing
(North-West University (South Africa), 1970)Although Gifblaar (Dichapetalum cymosum (Hook)Engl.) has been extensively studied from a biochemical viewpoint, comparatively little is known of the ecological relations of the plant, which is of considerable economic ... -
'n Eksperimentele ondersoek na die hoërdinamiese funksies van die skaaphart
(North-West University (South Africa), 1978)Studying the higher dynami c f unct i ons of the heart is a relative= ly new approach in evaluating the heart as a pump . The higher dynamic functions are re lated to the tempo of mechani cal events t hat t ake pl ace ... -
'n Empiriese ondersoek na probleme en stres wat swart vroulike huiswerkers ondervind
(North-West University (South Africa), 1997)AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION INTO THE PROBLEMS AND STRESS EXPERIENCED BY BLACK DOMESTIC WORKERS In the RSA, the course of history determined that black women have to earn their livelihood as domestic workers. Any family ... -
'n Evaluasie van Eragrostis curvula, Tragus berteronianus, Rhynehelytrum repens en Aristida congesta, subspesie barbicollis, vir aanplanting in nasionale padreserwes
(North-West University (South Africa), 1978)"Abstract not copied" -
'n Evaluasie van suurmengsels as fosfaatkunsmis vir sproeibemesting
(North-West University (South Africa), 1992)The application of nitrogen through irrigation systems also necessitates the application of other soluble nutrients through this medium. Acid fertilizers are suitable for the purpose, but are highly corrosive. Information ... -
'n Evaluering van analisetegnieke vir die bepaling van kalkbehoefte van goudmynslikdam-materiaal vir die vestiging van plantegroei
(North-West University (South Africa), 1991)AN EVALUATION OF ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES FOR THE DETERMINATION OF LIME REQUIREMENTS OF GOLD MINE SLIMES DAM MATERIAL FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF VEGETATION Owing to the potential pollution problems inherent to gold mine slimes ... -
'n Evaluering van die effek van hetereloë antilimfosietantiserumtoediening in die laat-fetale en vroëe neonanatale tydperk by muise
(North-West University (South Africa), 1969)"No Abstract" -
'n Evaluering van enkele kalsium vrystellingsmeganismes in die sarkoplasmiese retikulum van skeletspier
(North-West University (South Africa), 1979)"Abstract not copied" -
'n Faunistiese studie van die Acari in 'n Savanna-biotoop
(North-West University (South Africa), 1977)This study is an attempt to determine the seasonal fluctuations of the Acari and the influence of rainfall (mm), soil-water contents (%), organic matter (%) and soil temperatures (0 c) have on these fluctuations. A ... -
'n Fisiologiese-ekologiese studie van die lewensgeskiedenis van Themeda triandra Forsk. en Aristida congesta Roem et Schult
(North-West University (South Africa), 1945)"No abstract" -
'n Floristies-ekologiese studie van die plantegroei van die Ubisana-vallei, Ngoye-berg, Zoeloeland
(North-West University (South Africa), 1966)"Abstract not copied" -
'n Geografiese ondersoek na die landboukleinhoewes in die gebied Randfontein-Welverdiend
(North-West University (South Africa), 1954)"No abstract"