Browsing Natural and Agricultural Sciences by Title
Now showing items 2706-2725 of 2738
The waste debris problem in Greater Tswaing Local Municipality : evaluation of environmental education effects
(North-West University (South Africa), 2021)Waste debris as a common problem experienced in many communities, is variable across Greater Tswaing Local Municipality (GTLM) in the North-West province. This is due to the careless and casual disposal of waste along ... -
Waste discharge charge system : the practical implication from a gold mining perspective
(North-West University, 2012)The mining, agricultural and energy sectors, along with the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) are critical role players in managing South Africa’s water resources. Water resources are under increasing pressure due to ... -
Waste disposal or discharge : a harmonised regulatory framework towards sustainable use
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1999)The discharge of waste into a water resource and its disposal on land can easily cause pollution, especially of the water resource. However, it has long been accepted that these activities also form an integral part of a ... -
Waste dumping in Sharpeville (Emfuleni Municipality) : an investigation of the characteristics and the potential impacts on air quality
(North-West University (South Africa), 2019)Waste management is of significance as poorly handled waste can have detrimental effects on both the environment, and the public health. Open burning of domestic waste is a common practice in developing countries, particularly ... -
Waste management behaviour : a case study of school children in Mpumalanga, South Africa
(2014)This study examined the level of awareness, knowledge and practices of primary and secondary schools students with regard to waste management. Only a limited number of studies were found to evaluate school student’s ... -
Waste management in Ekurhuleni : evaluation against the instruments of the National Waste Management Strategy
(North-West University (South Africa), 2019)The National Waste Management Strategy (NWMS) has been developed to, amongst others, address many of the waste-related issues that municipalities are facing, by proposing the use of certain environmental management ... -
Waste prevention in South Africa : an evaluation of waste management regulations, policies and plans
(North-West University (South Africa), 2022)Waste generation has become not only an environmental issue but also an economic and social issue. As a result of population growth, urbanisation and unemployment, it is expected to increase according to current trends. ... -
A waste site production-based analysis of the informal waste recycling sector
(North-West University (South Africa), 2019)The study set out to understand the dynamics of the production process of the informal waste recycling, using selected landfill sites in local municipalities in the North West Province. The purpose of the study was to ... -
Water leaching of inorganic species from coal ash and slag generated at typical Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) temperatures
(North-West University (South Africa), Potchefstroom Campus, 2017)Underground coal gasification (UCG) is a better and more environmentally friendly way of gasifiying coal, using coal seams that are not economically viable to mine or coal seams that are deep underground. This technology ... -
Water loss under controlled humidity and temperature regimes in relation to bird eggshell thickness
(North-West University (South Africa), 2020)The African Penguin (Spheniscus demersus) is an Endangered species occurring along the Indian and South Atlantic coasts of South Africa. There are many suspected causes for the precipitous decline in their numbers. Previously, ... -
Water poverty mapping as a management tool
(North-West University, 2011)In recent years it has been widely recognised that water was managed with little regard to the efficiency of its utilisation and with no or very little effective pollution control. The amount of fresh water on earth will ... -
Water quality and antifungal resistance of yeast species from selected rivers in the North West Province
(North-West University (South Africa), 2019)The present study focused on the diversity and characteristics of yeasts present in North West Province (NWP) surface water as well as antifungal agents and associated resistance. The first part of this study is a review ... -
Water quality assessment of the Koekemoerspruit : bintegrating water physico-chemistry and phytoplankton assemblages
(2016)Midvaal Water Company, situated on the banks of the Vaal River in the North West Province, supplies potable water to the Greater Municipality of Matlosana, as well as mining and industrial undertakings in the area. Water ... -
Water quality assessment of the Sabie River catchment with respect to adjacent land use
(North-West University, 2018)Situated in the north-eastern region of South Africa is the Sabie-Sand River catchment. Initially seen as the separate Sabie catchment draining the Sabie River, and the Sand catchment draining the Sand River, these drainage ... -
Water quality of the Loopspruit, North- West Province: a geospatial, physicochemical and microbiological analysis
(North-West University (South Africa), 2020)In the North West Province, surface water is polluted from sources such as surface runoff from agricultural settings, storm-water runoff as well as sewage from urban locations, and mining. This study aimed to evaluate the ... -
Water quality of the Mooi River North-West Province : a supporting study for the determination of resource quality objectives
(North-West University (South Africa), 2017)South Africa, a semi-arid country, is currently facing an increasing water scarcity. Therefore a need exists for the management of water resources. A balance must however exist between the need to protect and maintain our ... -
Water sensitive planning : an integrated approach towards sustainable urban water system planning in South Africa
(North-West University, 2012)“Without water, there is no life on the earth; it is the most important of all elements. It must be managed in the best possible way” (Cunningham, 2009). Balanced and self-renewing ecosystems are not new phenomena, developed ... -
'n Waterbestuurstelsel vir Hartebeestfonteinmyn 2-skag en -aanleg, gebaseer op ISO 14001
(North-West University, 2003)'The sustainability of water resources in South Africa is of great importance for the development and sustainability of a community with social and economical equity. In the mining sector, with the potential negative ... -
Weed profiling fields of herbicide tolerant maize in the Mthatha region, Eastern Cape Province
(North-West University (South Africa), 2021)Maize cultivation has been a historical agricultural practise of most indigenous people in southern Africa for centuries. Although the origins of maize are rooted to south-central Mexico in North-America, it has for centuries ... -
Weighing dark matter in brightest cluster galaxies
(North-West University (South Africa), Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)Despite being a fundamental property that tests galaxy formation models, the measurement of elliptical galaxy masses is notoriously difficult. However, constraining the mass profiles of galaxy clusters is more tractable ...