Browsing Theology by Subject "Pastoraal"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Die waarde en gebruik van stilte en afsondering as geloofsdissiplines vir die Millenniale Generasie: ‘n Pastorale studie
(North-West University, 2018)Die Millenniale Generasie is diegene wat tussen 1981 en 2000 gebore is; hulle staan ook as die hedendaagse jongmense bekend. Millenniale verlaat al hoe meer die kerk en toon groot wantroue in institusies. Alhoewel hulle ... -
Onvergenoegdheid by vroue met hulle liggame : 'n pastorale studie
(2014)Research has confirmed that many women are dissatisfied with their bodies. Seen from a pastoral perspective, this study examines the women that are dissatisfied with their bodies. An empirical qualitative study was done ... -
Die pastorale bediening van hoop aan Afrikaanssprekende gelowiges wat in 'n mate van ontnugtering verkeer weens 'n veranderende Suid-Afrika
(2014)Afrikaans speaking believers have been experiencing a degree of disillusionment due to changes in the South African political landscape. This has caused spiritual instability that again caused people to want to escape to ... -
Pastorale versorging aan adolessente meisies met afwesige vaders
(North-West University (South Africa), 2020)Hierdie studie handel oor die pastorale versorging aan adolessente meisies met afwesige vaders. Die oogmerk is om riglyne saam te stel sodat adolessente meisies met afwesige vaders, ten spyte van hulle omstandighede, ... -
Die persepsies en belewenis van uitbranding by nagraadse teologiese studente van die Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid–Afrika : 'n pastorale studie
(North-West University, 2010)The aim of this study was to establish to what extent the post graduate theological students of the RCSA experience emotional burnout and what their perceptions of burnout are. A combination of quantitative and qualitative ... -
Riglyne tot hoop–getuienis deur terminale MIV/VIGS lyers : 'n pastorale studie
(North-West University, 2010)Chapter 1 emphasizes the central and perspicacious position of eschatological hope and witnessing thereof, in the lives of the believing terminal HIV/AIDS sufferers. An exegetical study of John 9:1-8, Luke 5:12-15 Job ... -
Self-mutilasie deur jongmense : 'n pastorale evaluering
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)The theme that has been explored in this study is: Self-mutilation in young people – A Pastoral evaluation. The research objective is to formulate a number of effective guidelines for those involved with the pastoral care ... -
Die waarde van spelterapie : 'n pastorale benadering
(2014)The researcher proposes guidelines in a model for pastoral counselling through the use of play with children. There is a new awareness of the place of the child in the church. The researcher has done pioneering work through ...