Urban food insecurity amongst households receiving income above the minimum household subsistence level: the case of a low–income neighbourhood in South Africa
The number of poor people living in urban areas is increasing, as is the number of food insecure households, mainly because of the demographic and economic challenges associated with urbanisation. Studies in South Africa recognise that food insecurity may become an increasing challenge in South African urban areas. Similar studies state that food insecurity is more common in low-income areas, since households may lack the financial resources necessary to acquire food. In this context, a minimum subsistence level per household may be regarded as important. However, studies indicate that food insecurity in urban areas is a complex problem where not all poor households are food insecure. Against this background, the current study seeks to ascertain subsistence levels in a low-income, urban neighbourhood. The household subsistence level (HSL) was calculated and households who were below and above the poverty line were compared in terms of their food security status. The study found that food insecurity exists amongst households above and below the respective household poverty line. This study contributes to the growing body of knowledge on urban food insecurity.