Very-high energy emission from pulsars
The vast majority of pulsars detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT)
display exponentially cutoff spectra with cutoffs falling in a narrow band around a few GeV.
Early spectral modelling predicted spectral cutoffs at energies of up to 100 GeV, assuming
curvature radiation. It was therefore not expected that pulsars would be visible in the veryhigh-energy (VHE) regime (> 100 GeV). The VERITAS announcement of the detection of
pulsed emission from the Crab pulsar at energies up to 400 GeV (and now up to 1.5 TeV
as detected by MAGIC) therefore raised important questions about our understanding of the
electrodynamics and local environment of pulsars. H.E.S.S. has now detected pulsed emission
from the Vela pulsar down to tens of GeV, making this the second pulsar detected by a groundbased Cherenkov telescope. Deep upper limits have also been obtained by VERITAS and
MAGIC for the Geminga pulsar. We will review the latest developments in VHE pulsar science,
including an overview of the latest observations, refinements, and extensions to radiation models
and magnetic field structures, and the implementation of new radiation mechanisms. This will
assist us in understanding the VHE emission detected from the Crab pulsar, and predicting the
level of VHE emission expected from other pulsars, which is very important for the upcoming