Accelerated life testing using the Eyring model for the Weibull and Birnbaum- Saunders distributions
In this thesis, we present a novel approach to new Bayesian dual-stress accelerated life testing models.
The generalised Eyring model, with one thermal stressor and one non-thermal stressor, is utilised as
the time transformation function. The new models use the Weibull and Birnbaum-Saunders distributions
as the life distributions. General likelihood formulations are given for the models, which can
accommodate uncensored, type-I censored and type-II censored data. Variations for the generalised
Eyring-Weibull model are presented via different choices of prior distributions, which include uniform,
gamma, and log-normal priors. For the generalised Eyring-Birnbaum-Saunders model, gamma
priors are imposed on the model parameters. The full conditional and joint posterior distributions for
the models are presented. The models have mathematically intractable posterior distributions, which
means that Markov chain Monte Carlo methods need to be employed to generate posterior samples for
inference. The log-concavity of the generalised Eyring-Weibull models is assessed to determine which
Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are appropriate to use.
The new models are applied to a real data set, where temperature and relative humidity are the
accelerated stressors. The sensitivity of the models is investigated by specifying various values for the
hyperparameters. The models are implemented in OpenBUGS to generate posterior samples. The convergence
of the Markov chains is monitored using trace plots and the Brooks-Gelman-Rubin approach.
The Monte Carlo error is used to determine if an adequate number of samples have been generated by
the Markov chains. The fit of the models is assessed via the deviance information criterion. Inferential
results, such as summary statistics, marginal posterior distributions and the predictive reliability, are
presented and compared between the models. It is found that both models are sensitive to the spescific
choice of subjective priors, specifically when the prior variance is small. It is recommended that flat
priors should ideally be used if no prior information is available.
The use of Bayes factors for model selection in accelerated life testing is also explored. Due to
the mathematically intractable posterior distributions of the new models, the marginal likelihood for
Bayes factors must be estimated. The focus is on methods that can approximate the marginal likelihood
from the samples generated by a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. These methods include a
simple Monte Carlo estimator, the harmonic mean estimator, the Laplace-Metropolis estimator, and
a posterior predictive density estimate for posterior Bayes factors. The new models are applied to
another real data set and implemented in OpenBUGS to generate posterior samples. The Bayes factors
and posterior model probabilities are calculated using different estimators. Model selection is carried
out by comparing the Bayes factors and the deviance information criterion.