Gawie Cillié gedenk-lesing - Being Broken : a call to lead worship in god's Mission
This article unpacks the missional paradigm according to the missio Dei. God is the primal agent in mission and calls his church into mission and sending the church to restore society. Created in the imago Dei, human beings have a responsibility towards contextual society in everyday life. Missional worship therefore becomes a
paradigmatic way of life. God is the focal point in worship and liturgy: it is all about God. The Eucharist/Holy Communion is presented as a metaphor, the underlying basis for a model in music ministry. The brokenness of the individual is described as a continuous process just as the bread is broken during the Feast of the Eucharist/
Holy Communion. Music ministry can now be defined under the theological lens as being sacramental
in nature. In hierdie artikel word die missionale paradigma verduidelik volgens die missio Dei. God is die
primêre agent in missie en roep sy kerk in missionale aksie, en stuur die kerk om herstel in die samelewing te bewerkstellig. Die mens, as skepsel in die imago Dei, het 'n verantwoordelikheid in die kontekstuele samelewing binne die daaglikse lewe. Missionale aanbidding word dus 'n paradigmatiese wese van bestaan. God is die fokus in aanbidding en liturgie: Dit handel alles oor God. Die Heilige Nagmaal word voorgestel as 'n metafoor wat ook dien as onderliggende begronding vir 'n musiekbedieningsmodel. Die gebrokenheid van die individu word as ’n voortdurende proses beskryf wat ooreenstem met die brood wat gebreek word tydens die Nagmaalviering.
Musiekbediening kan nou ook deur 'n teologiese lens onder sakramentele funksie ressorteer.