The development of cryptocurrencies as a payment method in South Africa
The use of currency as a medium of exchange for goods and
services is essential in our daily lives. The concept of currency
evolved from bartering to the use of coins and notes and now to
the current digital age as the continuation of society's
advancement has led to a new series of technological
innovations with regard to payment methods around the world.
Methods of payment are built on various platforms such as
mobile phones, the internet, and digital storage cards. These
payment systems have fostered the development and growth of
fintech companies such as Paypal, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay,
Alipay and others. The latest development is the use of
blockchain to facilitate payments, more specifically the use of
cryptocurrencies to facilitate transactions. The most popular
cryptocurrency is bitcoin. Payments form part of commercial
contracts which parties have a legal obligation to perform. South
Africa has a legislative framework for payment systems wherein
users have rights and obligations. This article will discuss the
development of currency in South Africa and determine whether
the current legislative framework for payment systems is
applicable to cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin.
- PER: 2021 Volume 24 [71]