'n Faunistiese studie van die Acari in 'n Savanna-biotoop
This study is an attempt to determine the seasonal fluctuations
of the Acari and the influence of rainfall (mm), soil-water
contents (%), organic matter (%) and soil temperatures (0 c)
have on these fluctuations.
A brief description of the National Savanna ecosystem project,
of which this study forms a part, and its aim is given.
Methods of soil sampling, extraction of soil organisms,
determination of the soil-water content (%), soil temperatures
( c), organic matter (%) and biomass (mg), are given.
The physico-chemical properties and types of soil are given,
as well as the dominant plant species and fluctuations in the
climatological factors are described.
The first six months of the study year, from October 1974 to
March 1975, or phase I, was mainly given to determining the
fauna present in the Nylsvley-soil. A hectare in the study
area, was isolated for this purpose.