'n Ekologiese ondersoek van die samestelling en struktuur van verteenwoordigende plantgemeenskappe van die Soet-Bosveld, met spesiale aandag aan die invloed van edafiese faktore op die verspreiding van houtagtige spesies
The study was conducted in the Lower Crocodile valley in the Northwestern
Transvaal, which is approximately located on the border between
Botswana and the R.S.A. The aim of the study amongst others
was the determination of the influence of the edafic factor on the
distribution and floristic composition of the plant communities, and
also to describe one of the plant communities quantitatively and
The soils of the study area have been mapped with the aid of the
photopreparation method (Harmse 1969). Eleven different soiI
series were identified and classified. The description of the
various profiles is given in the addendum nr. 11.