A black woman’s perspective on understanding transformation and diversity in South African higher education
Background: Today, transformation and diversity are concepts that form an integral part of the
functioning of higher education institutions globally. These two concepts have drawn vast
amounts of interest from scholars who work in the field of higher education studies.
Aim: The current article considers the perspectives of black women academics in an exploration
of the concepts of transformation and diversity. This standpoint approach brings to the fore the
voices of black women in the changing higher education landscape, in an attempt to provide
an understanding of prevailing gender inequalities.
Setting: The study was conducted at one higher education institution, involving women
academics from different faculties and different social backgrounds.
Methods: The adoption of a gender approach sheds light on a social justice perspective that
higher education institutions in South Africa aspire to attain. The article reports on 12 black
women’s configuration of transformation and diversity from a gender perspective in a country
where gender in higher education has always been an issue of contention.
Results: The inclusion of four white women academics in the study served the goal of
contrasting their views with those of the black women, to illuminate the intersectionality of
race and gender in human experiences. A thematic analysis of data highlights the complexities
of understanding the role of institutional management, self-responsibility and self-awareness
in transformation and diversification processes. The role of different standpoints in
understanding transformation also came out strongly in the findings.
Conclusion: It can, therefore, be concluded that standpoints play a crucial role in meaning
making and experiences of transformation for women academics in institutions of higher