Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Mandela and the last Afrikaner leaders: A shift in power relations
(School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2015)
The stability of the apartheid system and the Afrikaners’ monopoly of power
have been the subject of exhaustive scholarly analyses; by contrast, there have
been few in-depth analyses of the unexpected transfer of power ...
Segregated schools of thought: the Bantu Education Act (1953) revisited
(School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2017)
Various political parties, civil rights groups and columnists support the view that one of South Africa’s foremost socio-economic challenges is overcoming the scarring legacy which the Bantu Education Act of 1953 left on ...
Indigenous "Africans" and transnational "Pan-Netherlanders": past and present in the "re-construction" of post-1994 Afrikaner identity.
(School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2012)
This article explores two strategies to “re-imagine” Afrikaner identity in a
post-apartheid South Africa in which white Afrikaners, once politically and
culturally dominant, have become increasingly marginalized. One, ...
“The British coloureds of Sophiatown”: the case of St. Joseph’s Home for coloured children, 1923-1998
(School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2017)
During apartheid South Africa (1948-1994), black, coloured, and Indian children did not enjoy the same privileges as their peers of European descent – because of racial discrimination. However, some destitute coloured ...
Cousins no more? The 1948 crisis in ties between the Netherlands and Afrikaner nationalists
(School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2017)
Despite historic Dutch-Afrikaner links, the Netherlands became a leading critic of South Africa’s National Party (NP) government. Many scholars agree that while differences on involvement in World War II hurt ties, the ...
Bantu Education: destructive intervention or part reform?
(School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2012)
The introduction of public education for blacks in 1953 and the withdrawal
of state subsidies from mission schools were among the most controversial
measures that the National Party (NP) government took. In introducing
Bantu ...
They also served: ordinary South African women in an extraordinary struggle: the case of Erna de Villiers (Buber)
(School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2010)
Met die ontplooiing en vestiging van die Apartheidsbeleid1 in Suid-Afrika na 1948 het by ‘n groot gedeelte van die Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking teenstand teen die beleid van afsonderlike ontwikkeling ontstaan.
Gedurende die ...
Business, state and society - doing business apartheid style: the case of Pep Stores Peninsula Limited.
(School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2012)
This article uses the Pep Stores Peninsula Ltd case study (1973-1974) as a window
on State-Business relationships during apartheid and to highlight the dynamics and
outcomes generated by the combination of state controlled ...
Historical evolution of Durban’s public transport system and challenges for the post-apartheid metropolitan government.
(School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2014)
The history of public transport in Durban is characterised by a diverse set of
socio-political forces that have shaped and styled its present form. Characterised
by horse and cart driven coach modes of transport in the ...
High apartheid and the erosion of “official” local politics in Daveyton in the 1960s.
(School for Basic Sciences, Vaal Triangle Campus, North-West University, 2013)
The paper discusses the apartheid state’s onslaught against the limited rights
enjoyed by Africans in urban areas in the 1960s. It focuses attention on the
“modern model township” of Daveyton, which was seen in the early ...