The impact of training on productivity in mass food production
The motivation for this study was to increase the knowledge of foodservice personnel in mass food production in the foodservice area in which they work and by doing so, increasing their productivity. Training is often used to improve productivity and is seen as the answer to many productivity problems. Training and productivity improvement go hand in hand. Little research has been done on training and productivity in mass food production. The main objective of this study was to investigate the impact of training on the productivity of workers in mass food production by means of questionnaires. Firstly, the training needs of the workers were investigated. Secondly, training was given as needed and thirdly, follow-up
questionnaires were completed to determine the impact of training. The training needs of the target group were firstly determined by means of questionnaires. The training material was then compiled from information obtained in the questionnaires. Training was given in the form of a lecture. Follow-up questionnaires were completed two and four months after training. The practical significance of the training was determined by comparing the answers of the sets of questionnaires with each other. Results: The workers' knowledge increased by 55% (supervisors), 33% (cleaners), 20% (foodservice aids) and 6.25% (cooks) after having received training. These results show that training will only be of practical significance to the supervisors when it is presented in the same circumstances as in the study. Conclusions:
Training, with productivity improvement in mind, must be presented in an effective and
meaningful manner to have a significant impact on the knowledge of foodservice workers. The environment, type of worker, management's involvement as well as the type of training, motivation of the worker, correct training material and whether the training will make a difference, must be taken into consideration when planning training for foodservice workers.
- Health Sciences [2061]