Stigting van die Vaalhartsbesproeiingskema as heenkome vir hawelose armblankes.
• Opsomming:
Met die ekonomiese krisis en droogte van die vroeë 1930's het die regering besluit om te begin met die bou van 'n besproeiingskema wat werkgeleentheid en 'n heenkome aan duisende hawelose armblankes kon bied. Benewens 'n groot opgaardam (Vaaldam) om voldoende water aan die skema te voorsien, is ook 'n uitkeerdam (Vaalhartsdam) in die Vaalrivier opgerig. Deur 'n netwerk van betonkanale wat die hele Hansvallei tot by Taung deurkruis, is 'n stelsel geskep wat 1 250 persele van sowat 25 hektaar elk onder besproeiing kon plaas. Die eerste 27 boere is in April 1938 op die
skema gevestig en teen einde 1940 was daar al 360. Hulle geledere is na die Tweede Wêreldoorlog aangevul deur teruggekeerde soldate wat daar hervestig is. Hoewel die nedersetters aanvanklik 'n sukkelbestaan gevoer het, het hulle mettertyd tog daarin geslaag om selfstandige boere en die eienaars van hul huurplasies te word. • Summary:
Owing to the economic crisis and drought of the early 1930s, the government decided to begin with the construction of a scheme which would provide a means of livelihood for thousands of poor whites. In addition to a large storage dam (Vaal Dam) which was to ensure a sufficient supply of water to the scheme, a diversion weir (Vaalharts Dam) was also constructed on the Vaal River. By means of its network of concrete canals running across the entire Hans Valley up to Taung, this system could irrigate 1 250 plots of approximately 25 hectares each. In April 1938 the first 27 farmers were settled on the scheme, and by the end of 1940 this number had risen to 360. After the Second World War, returning servicemen were also resettled there. Although the settlers initially struggled to make a living, they eventually succeeded in becoming independent farmers, able to purchase their own small plots.
- Contree: 1988 No 24 [12]