Business, state and society - doing business apartheid style: the case of Pep Stores Peninsula Limited.
This article uses the Pep Stores Peninsula Ltd case study (1973-1974) as a window
on State-Business relationships during apartheid and to highlight the dynamics and
outcomes generated by the combination of state controlled ideologically driven race
based economic empowerment in tandem with corporate market driven initiatives.
In the process it also sheds light on the role of Business during apartheid and the
way they negotiated the apartheid context – in this case with specific reference
to Coloured economic development and empowerment. The case study also
underscores the viewpoint that the roots of black economic empowerment – despite
the differences in context, aims and scale - in South Africa stretches back further than
the much publicized post-1990 version that currently dominates State – Business
relationships and debates.