Browsing Faculty of Education by Subject "foundationalism"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Die erkenning van minderheidsgroepe, hulle ideale en hulle onderwysstrewe: Is daar ’n ander manier?
(Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 2014)The history of most countries, including those regarded as relatively culturally homogeneous, has demonstrated that practically all of them are composed of minority groups and that many of these groups struggle for survival. ... -
Individualisation in flexible learning, from a post-post-foundationalist perspective
(UNISA Press, 2015)Most practitioners in the field of flexible learning seem to be sufficiently aware of the importance of catering to the needs of their students. However, it appears that many are rather more conscious of the needs of the ... -
Opvoeding vanuit ’n post-postfundamentitiese perspekief
(LitNet Akademies, 2014)Dit het ’n aanvaarde feit onder opvoedkundiges en opvoeders geword dat daar ’n sekere verband tussen die opvoeder se lewens- en wêreldbeskouing en sy of haar pedagogiese teorie en praktyk bestaan. Daar het egter ’n paar ...